Study of the immature stages of two species of the biting midge genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
Marino Pablo I., Cazorla Carla G., Ronderos María M.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53(2): 777-792, 2013
Views: 1297
Abstract: Pupa of Culicoides insignis Lutz, 1913, and larva and pupa of Culicoides
bambusicola Lutz, 1913 are fully described. They are illustrated and
photographed using binocular microscope, phase-contrast stereoscope at oil
immersion and scanning electronic microscopy, from material collected in
Corrientes and Misiones provinces, Argentina. Palatum, maxilla and hypopharynx
of the fourth instar larva of C. bambusicola as well as the cephalothoracic
sensilla and sensillar pattern of the first and fourth abdominal segment of the
pupa are described for both species. The immatures of C. bambusicola are
compared with Culicoides debilipalpis Lutz, 1913. Pupa of C. insignis is
compared with the following related congeners: C. maruim Lutz, 1913, C. charruus
Spinelli & Martinez, 1992, and C. annetae Spinelli & Borkent, 2004.
Key words: Diptera, Ceratopogonidae, Culicoides bambusicola, Culicoides insignis, larva, pupa, redescription, Neotropical Region