A review of Gnathoncus of Southeast Asia (Coleoptera: Histeridae: Saprininae)
Lackner Tomáš
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 60(2): 397-409, 2020
Published online: 19th June 2020
Views: 3374
Abstract: Six species of the genus Gnathoncus Jacquelin du Val, 1857 occur in
the region of Southeast Asia: G. brevisternus Lewis, 1907, G.
semimarginatus Bickhardt, 1920, G. vietnamicus Kryzhanovskij,
1972, G. rotundatus (Kugelann, 1792), G. nannetensis (Marseul,
1862), and the newly described G. sechuanus sp. nov. (China: Sichuan).
Two rare species, G. brevisternus and G. semimarginatus, are
redescribed; all species are figured and keyed. The lectotype of Gnathoncus
brevisternus is designated and the species is newly reported from Vietnam
and Nepal.
Key words: Coleoptera, Histeridae, Saprininae, Gnathoncus, lectotype designation, new species, Southeast Asia