Review of the plant bug genus Prolygus and related mirine taxa from eastern Asia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae)
Yasunaga Tomohide, Schwartz Michael D., Chérot Fréderic
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 58(2): 357-388, 2018
Published online: 7th September 2018
Published in print: 31st December 2018
Views: 1475
Abstract: The mirine plant bug genus Prolygus Carvalho, 1987 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera:
Miridae: Mirinae: Mirini) and superficially reminiscent taxa in eastern Asia
(mainly in Japan, P. R. China and Taiwan) are reviewed. Four species in the
region are now assigned to Prolygus. Three new genera, Anthophilolygus gen.
nov., Miyamotolygus gen. nov. and Poppiolygus gen. nov., are proposed to
accommodate Prolygus bakeri (Poppius, 1915), Neolygus rufilorum (Lu & Zheng,
2004) and Lygus bengalicus Reuter, 1885, respectively. Ten new combinations and
three new synonymies are established: Apolygopsis eoa (Poppius, 1915) comb. nov.
[transferred from Apolygus China, 1941]; A. fuhoshoensis (Poppius, 1915) comb.
nov. [Apolygus]; A. nigra (Poppius, 1915) comb. nov. [Prolygus]; Anthophilolygus
bakeri (Poppius, 1915) comb. nov. [Prolygus] = P. tainanensis (Poppius, 1915)
syn. nov.; Micromimetus rubrotinctus (Carvalho, 1956) comb. nov. [Lygus sensu
lato]; Miyamotolygus bui (Lu & Zheng, 2004) comb. nov. [Neolygus Knight,
1917]; M. pictus (Lu & Zheng, 2004) comb. nov. [Neolygus]; M. rufilorum (Lu
& Zheng, 2004) comb. nov. [Neolygus]; Poppiolygus bengalicus (Reuter, 1885)
comb. nov. [Lygus sensu lato] = Prolygus kirkaldyi (Poppius, 1915) syn. nov.;
Prolygus disciger (Poppius, 1915) comb. nov. [Neolygus]; P. palauensis
(Carvalho, 1956) comb. nov. [Lygus sensu lato]; P. nigriclavus (Poppius, 1915) =
Neolygus nigroscutellaris (Lu & Zheng, 2004) syn. nov. Two additional new
species, Anthophilolygus alaneylesi sp. nov. (central Thailand) and Micromimetus
sunweni sp. nov. (Lanyu Island, Taiwan), are also described. The lectotype is
designated for Lygus bengalicus Reuter. Lygus sacchari Matsumura, 1910 is
regarded as nomen dubium.
Key words: Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Prolygus, new genus, new species, new combination, new synonymy, lectotype designation, eastern Asia, Oriental Region, Palaearctic Region