Larvae and pupae of three European Hybomitra species (Diptera, Tabanidae)

Ježek J.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 39: 191-207, 1977
Views: 1144
Abstract: The present paper is primarily intended to make available in brief form our present knowledge of the last instar larvae and pupae of the genus Hybomitra End. in Europa. The author presents the descriptions and figures of the last instar larvae and pupae of three European Hybomitra species: H. nitidifrons confiformis Chv. & M., H. distinguenda (Verr.) and H. arpadi (Szil.) and gives key to the last instar larvae and pupae of 8 European Hybomitra species. The larva and pupa of H. nitidifrons confiformis Chv. & M. and pupa of H. distinguenda (Verr.) are described for the first time.
Key words: Tabanidae, Diptera, Hybomitra, immature stages, larva, pupa
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