Distributional data on Saldidae (Heteroptera) in Czechoslovakia with a taxonomic note on Salda sahlbergi Reuter and Salda henschi (Reuter)
Hoberlandt L.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 39: 139-158, 1977
Views: 1091
Abstract: In the paper is given a distributional list of Saldidae in Czechoslovakia. There
are recorded from the whole country 22 species, from Bohemia 15 species, from
Moravia 11 species and from Slovakia 21 species of the family Saldidae. Salda
sahlbergi Reuter must be cancelled from the list of Czechoslovakian fauna of
Saldidae. Salda sahlbergi Reuter and Salda henschi (Reuter) are both good
species, they are in the present paper characterized and separated and their
distribution is discussed. In Czechoslovakia (in Slovakia, Moravia and Bohemia)
is distributed Salda henschi (Reuter) having a convergent distribution with
Salda sahlbergi Reuter. Saldula xanthochila (Fieber) is recorded from
Czechoslovakia (Slovakia) for first time.
Key words: Saldidae, Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Czechoslovakia, faunistics, distribution, Europe,