Tabanidae (Diptera) collected by Dr. K. Lindberg in Afghanistan
Moucha J., Chvála M.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 521-525, 1963
Views: 788
Abstract: In this paper the authors present the results of study of the material of the
family Tabanidae (Diptera). This material was collected by Dr. K. Lindberg,
Lund, in Afghanistan, in the years 1958–1960. There are seven species in this
material, four of which have been captured in that country for the first time.
At the present time there are 23 species and one form of the family Tabanidae
known in Afghanistan. The species are not fully described. Only a brief
characteristic of each species, its geographical distribution and some bionomic
comments are given. The authors conclude their paper with a list of all species
of the family Tabanidae known in Afghanistan up to the present time.
Key words: Tabanidae, Diptera, Afghanistan