A taxonomic study in Spalangia Latr. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)

Bouček Z.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 429-512, 1963
Views: 923
Abstract: The present paper brings, in separate chapters, 1) a revision of the Holarctic species of the genus Spalangia Latr., 2) a review of, with a ten-tative key to, the African and Oriental species, 3) a review of the species known in Australia and the Pacific Islands, and 4) a review accompanied by a tentative key, of the Neotropical species. In additional chapters the species misplaced in Spalangia are delt with (with redescription of the genus: Platecrizotes Ferr.) and the known host-parasite relations are listed. Seven species and one subspecies are described as new to science and many names are dropped as new synonyms, mostly after previous studies of the types in question. All the species well known to the author are redescribed. The data at each species contain information on the type material, discussions of the synonymy, systematic position of the species, review of its host-relations, our knowledge of the developmental stages, life-history and behaviour, then geographical distribution and information on the material examined by the author.
Key words: new species, key, taxonomic, Spalangia, Chalcidoidea, Hymenoptera, Holarctic, Afrotropical, Oriental, Palaearctic, Nearctic, Australian, Pacific islands, Neotropical, host, new synonym, new combination,
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