Two new species of Afrocyrona from Socotra Island (Coleoptera: Trogossitidae)
Kolibáč Jiří
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 54(supplementum): 197-210, 2014
Published in print: 30th December 2014
Views: 1250
Abstract: Two new species of Trogossitidae: Lophocaterinae: Ancyronini (Coleoptera) from
Socotra Island are described and classified within the genus Afrocyrona
Kolibáč, 2007. One species, Afrocyrona volatilis sp. nov. is winged, while
the second described species, A. pedestris sp. nov., is brachypterous and thus
flightless. Both species were found to be related to known members of Afrocyrona
and thereby confirm a possible biogeographical relationship of Socotra to the
South African fauna. All species of Afrocyrona share hidden feeding habits in
litter or rotten wood, unique in this group of beetles.
Key words: Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Trogossitidae, Lophocaterinae, Ancyronini, Afrocyrona, new species, Yemen, Socotra