Description of male of Leucospis insularis (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Leucospidae) with new records and check-list of Chalcidoidea of Socotra Island
Janšta Petr
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52(supplementum 2): 517-523, 2012
Views: 1136
Abstract: A check-list of the Chalcidoidea of Socotra Island based on published data and
newly collected material is presented. The male of the endemic species Leucospis
insularis Kirby, 1900 (Leucospidae) is described for the first time. The
following five species are recorded from the Socotra Island for the first time:
Eupelmus orientalis (Crawford, 1913) (Eupelmidae); Cryptoprymna atra (Walker,
1833), Cyrtoptyx latipes (Rondani, 1874), Dinarmoides spilopterus Masi, 1924
(all Pteromalidae); and Torymoides kiesenwetteri (Mayr, 1874) (Torymidae).
Altogether 11 species from five families are currently known from Socotra, four
species of which are considered to be endemic to the island.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Agaonidae, Eupelmidae, Leucospidae, Pteromalidae, Torymidae, Leucospis, description, new records, Yemen, Socotra