Two new Phylinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) from the Canary Islands
Ribes Jordi, Pagola-Carte Santiago, Heiss Ernst
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 48(2): 423-431, 2008
Views: 1259
Abstract: Two new species of Phylinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) are described from
the Canary Islands. Their habitus, several characters of external morphology and
genitalia are illustrated. Systellonotus stysi sp. nov., belonging to the tribe
Hallodapini, is well recognized by its scutellar hump and some other
myrmecomorphic characters. Atomoscelis pictifrons sp. nov. of the tribe Phylini
is easily recognized, among other features, by a pair of purple-red spots on the
head. Their generic placement and differences to other taxa are discussed.
Key words: Heteroptera, Miridae, Phylinae, Hallodapini, Phylini, Systellonotus stysi sp. nov., Atomoscelis pictifrons sp. nov., Canary Islands