30th result of the zoological Expedition of the National Museum in Prague to Turkey. Coleoptera - Nitidulidae
Jelínek J.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 37: 23-30, 1967
Views: 833
Abstract: Review of the 20 species of Nitidulidae, collected by the Zoological Expedition
of the National Museum in Prague in Turkey in 1947 is given as well as a review
of further 5 species collected by the expedition in Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.
One of the species mentioned is new to science and is described here. Genitalia
of this species, Meligethes funereus, are figured.
Key words: Expedition, National Museum in Prague, Turkey, 1947, Nitidulidae, Coleoptera, Anatolia, Near East, distribution, faunistics, new species, Meligethes,