Preliminary re-examination of genus-level taxonomy of the pollen beetle subfamily Meligethinae (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)
Audisio Paolo, Cline Andrew R., De Biase Alessio, Antonini Gloria, Mancini Emiliano, Trizzino Marco, Costantini Lorenzo, Strika Sirio, Lamanna Francesco, Cerretti Pierfilippo
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 49(2): 341-504, 2009
Views: 1429
Abstract: The pollen beetle subfamily Meligethinae C. G. Thomson, 1859 (Nitidulidae), is
distributed throughout the Holarctic, Afrotropical, Oriental, and Australasian
Regions. Previously, the subfamily included fifteen genera and approximately
seven hundred species, most of which were attributed to the widespread and
paraphyletic genus Meligethes Stephens, 1830, and to a lesser extent the
primarily Afrotropical genus Pria Stephens, 1830. Herein, twenty-two additional
genera are described as new from Europe, Africa, North America and Asia;
including the following: Afrogethes, Aristogethes, Asterogethes, Bolbocero-
gethes, Boragogethes, Brassicogethes, Fabogethes, Genistogethes, Indogethes,
Jelinekigethes, Lamiogethes, Lucanopria, Neolariopsis, Odontholariopsis, Paleo-
gethes, Rubiogethes, Sagittogethes, Stachygethes, Tarchonanthogethes, Thymo-
gethes, Xenostrongylogethes, and Xerogethes, all Audisio & Cline, gen.
nov. Six previously recognized and/or described subgenera of Meligethes are
elevated to generic rank; including Acanthogethes Reitter, 1871, Clypeogethes
Scholz, 1932, Idiogethes Kirejtshuk, 1977, Chromogethes Kirejtshuk, 1989,
Lariopsis Kirejtshuk, 1989, and Astylogethes Kirejtshuk, 1992 stat. nov. The
new combinations for all transferred species are established. The type species
of all recognized genera are fixed and/or indicated, a preliminary check list of
inclusive described species attributed to each of the resulting 43 Meligethinae
genera is provided, and a new genus/species is described from Rwanda, i.e.
Lucanopria wagneri Audisio & Cline, gen. nov. and sp. nov. One new synonymy
is proposed: Meligethes albens Audisio & De Biase, 2004, = Chromogethes
formosus (Kirejtshuk, 1989) syn. nov. A preliminary phylogenetic scenario of
Meligethinae is discussed, based on selected morphological characters and
evidence from partially published molecular data (i.e. COI, ITS2, and PEPCK
genes) representing most Meligethinae genera. Also, the available bionomical
data and larval host-plant associations of inclusive genera are summarized.
Key words: Nitidulidae, Meligethinae, genus-level taxonomy, new genus, new species, new combination, host-plants