Studies on the Lygaeidae s. lat. (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran

Linnavuori Rauno E.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 47: 57-75, 2007
Views: 1158
Abstract: A list of 91 species of Lygaeidae s. lat. (subfamilies Lygaeinae, Orsillinae, Ischnorrhynchinae, Cyminae, Blissinae, Henestarinae, Artheneinae, Heterogastrinae, Oxycareninae, Pachygronthinae, Rhyparochrominae) from Gilan and the adjacent provinces is provided. The following 12 species and one subspecies are new for Iran: Arocatus melanocephalus (Fabricius, 1798), Kleidocerys privignus (Horváth, 1894), Cymus claviculus (Fallén, 1807), Cymus glandicolor Hahn, 1832, Geocoris (Geocoris) desertorum (Jakovlev, 1871), Holcocranum diminutum umbrinum Linnavuori, 1984, Platyplax salviae (Schilling, 1829), Macroplax fasciata fasciata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835), Auchenodes utu Linnavuori, 1984, Eremocoris abietis fraternus Horváth, 1883, Taphropeltus contractus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835), Rhyparochromus pini (Linnaeus, 1758), and Pachybrachius fracticollis (Schilling, 1829).
Key words: Heteroptera, Lygaeoidea, Iran, Gilan, faunistics, checklist, new records
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