Revision of the genera Brumus Muls. and Exochomus Redtb. (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) of the Palaearctic Region. Part I.
Kovář I.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 44: 5-124, 1995
Views: 4810
Abstract: The current concept of the genera Exochomus Redtb., Brumus Muls. and their
Palaearctic species are revised with respect to the genus Brumoides Chpn.
Current opinions on the classification of the above genera within the tribe
Chilocorini are discussed. The poor diagnostic characters hitherto used to
separate the genera Brumus Muls. and Exochomus Redtb. appeared to be adaptive
ones, being subjects of parallel evolution. A new concept of the studied
genera, based on further, hitherto largely neglected characters, is proposed,
and the new genus Priscibrumus gen. n., (type-species Exochomus puniceipennis
Semenov, 1900) is described to accomodate 6 species with uncovered lateral
parts of the pronotal base. The nearctic species with a non-bordered base of
pronotum are not considered members of the studied genera. The genera Exochomus
Redtb. and Brumoides Chpn. are found to be closely related. The subgenus
Xanthocorus Miyat. is considered to be a distinct genus. The following available
names, originally described as varieties are considered to be valid names of
species (new status): gebleri Weise, septemmaculatus Weise, quadriguttatus
Fleischer and cedri Sahlberg. The following new combinations are proposed:
Brumus kiritshenkoi (Barovskij), B. undulatus (Weise), B. septemmaculatus
(Weise), B. mongol (Barovskij), B. quadriguttatus (Fleischer), B. nigropictus
(Fairmaire), B. cedri (Sahlberg), B. quadripustulatus (L.), Priscibrumus
puniceipennis (Semenov), P. trijunctus (Kapur), P. himalayensis (Kapur), P.
uropygialis (Mulsant), P. trubetzkoi (Barovskij), P. lituratus (Gorham) (all
from Exochomus Redtenbacher). Lectotypes of the following species are
designated: E. kiritshenkoi Bar., E. undulatus var. Septemmaculatus Weise, E.
quadripustulatus var. cedri Sahlberg. The following new synonymies are
established: E. kiritshenkoi Bar., partim (Iran) = B. gebleri Weise; E. georgi
Fiirsch = B. mongol (Bar.); E. quadripustulatus ssp. cordiformis Roubal = E.
illaesicollis Roubal = B. quadriguttatus (Fleischer); E. muelleri Mader = B.
cedri (Sahlberg). B. cedri (Sahlberg) stat. n., comb. n. is given as new for the
fauna of Bulgaria, Albania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
Key words: taxonomy, new genus, new status, new combinations, new synonymy, lecotypes, keys, bionomy, faunistics