Descriptive notes on ten, mainly new, species of West Palaearctic Eulophidae (Hymenoptera)
Bouček Z.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 38: 525-543, 1970
Views: 849
Abstract: The following species are described as new: Elachertus pilosiscuta, sp. n., from
Czechoslovakia and the European U.S.S.R., Elachertus longipetiolus, sp. n., from
France and Czechoslovakia, Ardalus azerbaidzhanicus, sp. n., from the
Azerbaidzhan S.S.R., Cirrospilus caspicus, sp. n., from the eastern slopes of
the Caucasus. Ratzeburgiola incompleta, sp. n., from Czechoslovakia., Italy, the
Moldavian S.S.R. and the Azerbaidzhan S.S.R., Teleopterus delucchii, sp. n.,
from Britain, Poland, the Moldavian S.S.R., Italy and Yugoslavia, Holcopelte
stelteri, sp. n., from Germany, and Tetrastichus postmarginalis, sp. n., from
Czechoslovakia, Austria and Yugoslavia. Sympiesis punctijrons (Thomson) is
resuscitated as a good species and compared with S. acalle (Walker). The genus
Ohrysocharidia Erdos is synonymized with Achrysocharis Girault and Achr.
fimbriata (Erdos), comb. n., partly redescribed in both sexes. Holotypes of the
new species, as well as most paratypes, are deposited in the Entomology
Department of the National Museum in Praha.
Key words: new species, key, Eulophidae, Hymenoptera, West Palaearctic, Europe, Czechoslovakia, France, Caucasus,