Towards the knowledge of the terrestrial Hemiptera fauna of the southern regions of the Western Tien-Shan (USSR, Mid-Asia)
Popov Y.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 36: 169-292, 1965
Views: 709
Abstract: The present work is devoted only to those terrestrial Heteroptera collected by
the author in the southern regions of the West Tien-Shan during the summers of
1957 and 1958. The areas investigated were the mountain and foothill regions
of the Fergancr, Tchatkal, Pskem and Ugam ridges. Annotated lists of the
species, subspecies-and forms of the Heteroptera (329 tn total) are given. They
belong to 192 genera in 15 families. On the basis of the observations a
preliminary eco-zoogeographical biotopes was at-tempted. All the species may be
refered to eleven biogeographical groups. From the material collected the
following species were described: Rhinocoris (Oncauchenius} kiritshenkoi Y.
Pop., Plinthisus (s. str.) horvathi Y. Pop., Emblethis nigricans Y. Pop.,
Trigonosoma Y. Pop., Plinthisus (s. str.) cautus Y. Pop., Emblethis nigricans Y.
Pop., Trigonosoma maracandicum Osh. and also Nysius helveticus f.
ochraceus Pop.
Key words: Hemiptera, USSR, Mid-Asia, Tian Shan Mts., Heteroptera, Cimicidae, Anthocoridae, faunistics, Kazakhstan, Miridae, Nabidae, Reduviidae, Phymatidae, Piesmatidae, Tingidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Lygaeidae, replacement name, Berytidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, Scitelleridae, Pentatomidae, Acanthosomatidae, Cydnidae, biogeography, vegetation zone,