Eine Cleonyminen-Studie; Bestimmungstabelle der Gattungen mit Beschreibung und Notizen, eingeschlossen einige Eupelmidae (Hym. Chalcidoidea)
Bouček Z.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 32: 353-386, 1958
Views: 756
Abstract: With the key to the genera of Cleonyminae, there are described some new
taxonomic units, and proposed new divisions with Cleonyminae and Eupelmidae and
some new synonymy and new combinations in Cleonyminae. Eupelmidae are divided in
Eupelminae and Calosotinae (n. subf.). Oodera Westw. is transferred from
Eupelmidae to Cleonyminae (Pteromalidae). New limits of Cleonyminae are
proposed, the genera grouped to the tribes Cleonymini, Leptofoenini, Ooderini
(n. tribe) and Thaumasurini (n. tribe). Trigonoderini (n. tribe) are removed
from them. Descriptions: Austrogerrhus gloriosus, n. gen. n. sp., from
Australia, Oodera madegassa, n. sp., from Madagascar, and new males of Notanisus
versicolor Walk. and Oodera formosa (Giraud), n. comb. (from Stellophora,
Heydenia). Further new combination: Epistenia schmidti (Brethes), from Idiobia
Brethes. New synonyms: Lycisca silvestrii Russo to Heydenia pretiosa Forst.,
Idiobia Brethes to Epistenia Westw., Oodera bestia Nik. to O. formosa (Giraud),
Stellophora Risbec to Oodera Westw., Thecasoma Matsumura to Solenura Westwood,
Thec. longicauda Matsumura to Solenura telescopica Westw.; Lysisca auripyga
Strand is revalidated.
Key words: key, Eupelmidae, Chalcidoidea, Hymenoptera, key to genera, Austrogerrhus, new genus, new species, new combination, Calosotinae, new subfamily, Ooderini, new tribe,