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Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae

Volume 35
Kerzhner I. M.Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Unterfamilie Nabinae (Heteroptera: Nabidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 5-61
Abstract: Die vorliegende Arbeit enthält hauptsächlich die Ergebnisse der Bearbeitung der Nabinae in den Sammlungen des Zoologischen Institutes der Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR in Leningrad (weiterhin kurz ZIN genannt). Sie behandelt die generische Gliederung der ehemaligen Sammelgattung Nabis Latr. s. l. Durch die Untersuchung einer großen Anzahl wenig bekannter paläarktischer Arten wurden die Voraussetzungen zu einer monographischen Bearbeitung der paläarktischen Nabinae geschaffen. Zwei neue Arten werden beschrieben und acht neue Synonymien fHstgestellt. Ferner werden noch zwei neue Arten von Madagaskar und zwei wenig bekannten Arten aus Nordamerika beschrieben. Die Typen b-finden sich im ZIN.
Moucha J.Schmetterlinge aus der südchinesischen Provinz Kwan-tun, gesammelt von Dr. I. Hrdý (1959-1960) [Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 63-71Wagner E.Untersuchungen über den taxonomischen Wert des Baues der Genitalien bei den Cydniden (Hem. Het.)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 73-115
Abstract: Die Untersuchung der Genitalien bei den Cydnidae Billbg. ergab, daß sie gute Merkmale aufweisen, um in fast allen Fällen Arten von einander zu trennen. Daneben erwies sich der Bau der Genitalien als ein vorzügliches Mittel, um einerseits die Cydnidae Bilbg. von den benachbarten Familien zu trennen, andererseits aber auch um eine natürliche Einteilung der Familie zu gewinnen. Während bei den Cydninae s. str. sich keine Möglichkeiten für eine Unterscheidung der Gattungen mit Hilfe der Genitalien boten, war es bei den Sehirinae Am. et Serv. möglich, auch die Gattungen am Bau der Genitalien zu erkennen. Nachdem diese Erkenntnisse gewonnen waren, konnte festgestellt werden, daß einige Arten nicht in der richtigen Gattung stehen. So mußten Legnotus notatus Jak. und L. triguttulus Motsch. in die Gattung Sehtrus Am. et Serv., Untergattung Adomerus Mls. et R. versetzt werden. Für Sehirus marginatus Sign. und Legnotus validus Jak. mußte eine neue Gattung Exosehirus nov. gen. aufgestellt werden, die in die Amaurocorini, nov. trib. gehört. Ferner erwies es sich, daß Canthophorus Mls. et R. und Tritarnegas Am. et Serv. selbständige Gattungen sind. Adomerus Mls. et R. dagegen wurde als Untergattung in der Gattung Sehirus Am. et Serv. belassen. Es entstanden auch erhebliche Zweifel daran, daß die Corimelaenidae Reuter als selbständige Familie bestehen kann. Die Eurygasteridae Stäl dagegen zeigten erhebliche Verwandtschaft zu den Cydriidae Billbg. und nur geringe Beziehungen zu den Pentatomidae Leach. Sie wurden daher als selbständige Familie betrachtet. Die Plataspidae Dall. dagegen erwiesen sich als völlig isoliert dastehende Familie. Innerhalb der Cydninae s. str. ergab sich die Notwendigkeit einer Einteilung in Cydnini s. str. und Geotomini, nov. trib. Innerhalb der Sehirinae Am. et Serv. wurden als neues Tribus die Amaurocorini aufgestellt. Von den neuerdings von Froeschner aufgestellten Unterfamilien kommen in der Paläarktis nur die Scaptocorinae Froeschn. vor. Der Bau der Genitalien zeigt aber hier eine sehr enge Verwandtschaft mit den Cydninae s. str., so daß sie als Tribus betrachtet werden.
Seidenstücker G.Dictyonota phoenicea, n. sp. aus Syrien (Heteroptera, Tingidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 117-121Josifov M.Eine neue Rhyparochromus-Art von der Insel Kreta (Hem. Het. Lygaeidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 123-126Hoberlandt L.Additional notes on Aradidae (Heteroptera) from Madagascar and adjacent islandsActa Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 127-170Nonveiller Q.Amphimallon solstitialis matutinalis, ssp. nov. ( Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 171-176Wagner E.Die Gattung Megalodactylus Fieber, 1858 (Hem. Het. Miridae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 177-182Loginova M. M.Listobloshki roda Psyllopsis (Homoptera, Psylloidea) [Psyllids of the genus Psyllopsis (Homoptera, Psylloidea)]Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 183-196
Abstract: Including the newly described Psyllopsis repens, sp. n., Psyllopsis proprius, sp. n., Psyllopsis machinosus, sp. n. and Psyllopsis securicola, sp. n. the genus Psyllgpsis Low is composed of ten species tied to species of Fraxinus. Psyllopsis mexicana Crawford, however, differs strongly from the morphological structure typical of the genus. Its nutritive plant is unknown and its placing in the genus Psyllopsis seems to be scarcely justified. Psyllopsis fraxini Lin., P. discrepans Flor, P. fraxinicola Frst. and P. proprius, sp. n. are among the common species occuring on the ash-tree and, in the European part of the palaearctic region, are more or less widely distributed from North to South. The distribution of Psyllopsis distinguenda Edwards is restricted to the British Isles. The areas of distribution of Psyllopsis machinosus, sp. n., P. securicola, sp. n~ and possibly even Ps. repens, sp. n. are in the southeast parts of the Palaearctic. With the exception of Armenia the first of these species is known from Djambul ( Kazakhstan), Kara-Kala (Turkmenia) and Pendjikent ( Tadjikistan), also, and two other species have been ascertained in Kerrnan (Iran). Among Ash-tree species Fraxinus excelsior and its forms are much in favour with all species of Psyllopsis. They attack, however, even Fraxinus oxycarpa, F. ornus and others. The occurence on Fraxinus pennsiluanica and F. americana is only accidental as the younger stages have not been found on them. The chemical structure of saps of the mentioned Ash-trees is evidently not suitable for their nutrition and therefore these trees are not attacked by them. The typical faculty of the representatives of the genus Psyllopsts is the ability to make galls. The type of deformation of the leaves is undulate and in the form of a little tube which bends down and turns rose or yellow and, after maturity of the nymph the tissue of the galls decays. The gall production is known with Psyllopsis fraxini, P. discrepans and has been presumed with P. distinguenda (Heslop-Harrison, 1942). The present author has discovered them with P. repens, sp. n. With regard to other species our present bionomical knowledge is insufficient and therefore it is not yet possible to say whether they have the same ability to create galls. It is commonly the case with the Psyllidae living on the Ash-tree that several species will occur on one tree. In Kamyshin and Askania Nova, Crimea and in the environs of Kursk have been found tree and in Jerevan four species jointly on the tree. The injury to the nutritive plant is thus increased, especially when respective species breed rapidly. The author has observed particularly strong damage to Ash-tree in Jerevan and Kamyshin. The yearly increase here was insignificant, the trees have been losing more than 30% of the assimilative area and there was the case of infection by secondary parasites and in the middle of summer (when the summer generation flies) the tops of trees are rust-coloured as a result of the decayed tissues of the galls.
Fischer M.Die orientalischen und australischen Arten der Gattung Opius Wesmael (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 197-242Šedivý J.Die europäischen Arten der Gattungen Laufeia Tosq., Polysphincta Grav. und Zatypota Först. ( Hym., Ichneumonidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 243-261Vondráček K. Jumping plant-lice (Psylloidea-Homoptera) of Central Africa. Part I. (Congo)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 263-290Smetana A.Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Staphyliniden-Fauna der Mongolei (Col., Staphylinidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 291-302Roubal J.Über zwei interessante Prager Blindwanzen: Macrolophus glaucescens Fieber und Phytocoris parvulus Reuter (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 303-312Dlabola J.Typen und wenig bekannte Arten aus der Sammlung H. Haupt mit Beschreibungen einiger Zikadenarten aus Sibirien (Homoptera)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 313-331Zuska J.The puparia of the European species of the family Larvaevoridae (Diptera) I. (Subfamily Salmaciinae, part 1)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 333-372
Abstract: This paper is the first portion of a comprehensive study of the known puparia of the European species of the family Larvaevoridae. It deals with the tribes Baumhaueriini, Carceliini, Winthemiini, Sturmiini, Erythroceriini and Salmaciini of the subfamily Salmaciinae (sensu Mesnil, 1939, 1944) . Descriptions of the puparia of ten species, a redescription of the puparia of two species and notes on those of many other species are included in this paper. On the basis of the puparial, and other characters, Carcelia dubia (Brauer & Bergenstamm) and Carcelia lucorum (Meigen) are recognized as two different species (formerly they were taken for two subspecies of the same species). The general morphology of the puparia is discussed, the most reliable systematic characters are pointed out and emphasis is made on the importance of studying the puparia in order to gain a more complete knowledge of the systematics of the Larveaevoridae.
Moucha J., Hradský M.Zur Kenntnis der Raubfliegen vom Kaukasus und Zentralasien nebst Beschreibung dreier neuer Arten (Diptera, Asilidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 373-380Dlabola J.Weitere neue Arten der Familie Cicadellidae aus Zentralasien und zoogeographische Bemerkungen zu einzelnen palärktischen Zikadenarten (Homoptera)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 381-390Guéorguiev V. B.Notes sur les Coléopteres cavernicoles de Bulgarie. III. Bureschiana drenskii, n. gen., n. sp. - nouveau Bathysciinae cavernicole du groupe des Brachyscapes (Catopidae, Coleoptera)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 391-395Moucha J., Chvála M.Die Beschreibung des Männchens von Tabanus shannonellus Krober, 1936 (Diptera, Tabanidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 397-399Smetana A.Die bisher bekannten paläarktischen Arten der Untergattung Onychophilonthus Ner. et Wagner der Gattung Philonthus Curt. (Coleoptera)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 401-413Seidenstücker G.Über Rhyparochromus subgen. Microtomideus in Kleinasien (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 415-428Bouček Z.A taxonomic study in Spalangia Latr. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 429-512
Abstract: The present paper brings, in separate chapters, 1) a revision of the Holarctic species of the genus Spalangia Latr., 2) a review of, with a ten-tative key to, the African and Oriental species, 3) a review of the species known in Australia and the Pacific Islands, and 4) a review accompanied by a tentative key, of the Neotropical species. In additional chapters the species misplaced in Spalangia are delt with (with redescription of the genus: Platecrizotes Ferr.) and the known host-parasite relations are listed. Seven species and one subspecies are described as new to science and many names are dropped as new synonyms, mostly after previous studies of the types in question. All the species well known to the author are redescribed. The data at each species contain information on the type material, discussions of the synonymy, systematic position of the species, review of its host-relations, our knowledge of the developmental stages, life-history and behaviour, then geographical distribution and information on the material examined by the author.
Wolf H.Priocnemis-Arten (Hym. Pompilidae) aus dem National Museum in PragActa Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 513-520Moucha J., Chvála M.Tabanidae (Diptera) collected by Dr. K. Lindberg in AfghanistanActa Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 521-525
Abstract: In this paper the authors present the results of study of the material of the family Tabanidae (Diptera). This material was collected by Dr. K. Lindberg, Lund, in Afghanistan, in the years 1958-1960. There are seven species in this material, four of which have been captured in that country for the first time. At the present time there are 23 species and one form of the family Tabanidae known in Afghanistan. The species are not fully described. Only a brief characteristic of each species, its geographical distribution and some bionomic comments are given. The authors conclude their paper with a list of all species of the family Tabanidae known in Afghanistan up to the present time.
Bytinski-Salz H.Geographical variation and sex-ratio in Leucospis gigas (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 527-530
Abstract: In Israel occur two different forms of Leucospis gigas F.: f. typica and f. rufonotata Westw. which should be considered subspecies as they show differences in colouration, exclude each other geographically (Fig. 1) and show different tendencies towards melanistic variation. Furthermore in the f. rufonotata Westw. males occur regularly (probably 50 % J while from the f. typica no males are known. It is probable that some of the North African populations of L. gigas also belong to the f. rufonotata Westw.
Štys P.The female of Adelphocoris insignis Horváth, 1898 (Heteroptera, Miridae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 531-535
Abstract: The previously unknown females of Adelphocoris insignis Horvath, 1898 (Miridae, Mirinae, Mirini) are described, and the distinguishing characters are discussed. Adelphocoris insignis Horv. is an endemic Balkan species, actually known from Bulgaria (2 females) and Yugoslavia (1 male). A modified key to the European Adelphocoris-species is given.
Štusák J. M.Metacanthus transvaalensis, sp. n. - a new stilt-bug from South Africa (Heteroptera, Berytidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 537-541Trjapitzyn V. A.Species of the genus Oobius, gen. n. (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) in the USSRActa Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 543-547Hoffer A.Descriptions of new species of the family Encyrtidae from Czechoslovakia (Hym., Chalcidoidea) I.Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 549-592Starý P.A study on the relationship of the Dactynotinae and their aphidiid parasites in Europe (Homoptera: Aphidoidea, Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 593-610Lelláková-Dušková F.The morphology, metamorphosis, and life-cycle of the scale insect Quadraspidiotus gigas (Thiem et Gerneck) (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Diaspididae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 611-648Seidenstücker G.Über die Emblethis-Arten Kleinasiens (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae)Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 649-665Szymczakowski W.Catopidae (Coleoptera) récoltés au Brésil par J. MrázActa Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 35: 667-680